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Secondary School

St George’s Secondary school provides a challenging and caring learning environment where there are high expectations of all students. We are small enough to be able to focus on the individual needs of the student, but large enough to offer a broad and balanced academic curriculum. The Secondary school has over 340 students, with over 60 in Key Stage 5 (Years 12-13). Academic success is a key focus, offering the opportunity to study towards rigorous public examinations at ages 16 and 18.

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do, achieving potential through challenge and care to enable them to make positive contributions to society, and to become confident global citizens.
Exam Results 2023


Key Stage 3 Guides

Key Stage 3 Guide (Year 7-9)

Super Curriculum Guide Year 7

Super Curriculum Guide Year 8

Super Curriculum Guide Year 9

Key Stage 4 Guides

Key Stage 4 Guide

Super Curriculum Guide Year 10

Super Curriculum Guide Year 11

Key Stage 5 Guides

Key Stage 5 Guide

Super Curriculum Guide Year 12

Super Curriculum Guide Year 13

Achieving Potential

This means much more to us than just academic success. Our students take full advantage of opportunities to achieve success in a wide range of enrichment opportunities, as well as embracing an broad programme of educational visits both locally and abroad.

Our students achieve much more than just academic success. Some students achieve highly in sport or the Arts, some take on challenging leadership roles and some support others in close and long lasting friendships, these are all achievements worthy of celebration.

We are also lucky to also be able to celebrate the excellent academic successes of our students.


Challenge and Care

This is demonstrated through the many ways in which our students help each other and support the members of our community. Our community work is a unique feature of our school; our students value others and enjoy doing so.

All students have a Form Tutor, this is the adult they see every day. They are the first ‘port of call’ for any student that needs either progress or personal support. Students also have a Head of Year assigned to their year group. These staff members support the students in their year group with day to day worries and concerns as they arise. Their role is to talk to, coach and guide the young people in their care. They will also help celebrate their successes, however big or small.


Worldwide QualificationsThe School follows the structure of the English and Welsh National Curriculum, leading to I/GCSEs (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and A (Advanced) Levels. Our qualifications allow entry to universities worldwide. They are challenging and offer the opportunities to develop higher level academic skills and competences as required by providers of higher education. We aim to nurture young people who can think critically and have a sound understanding of the contemporary world.

The quality of the students' learning and achievement is excellent. The students enjoy much academic success. GCSE performances are significantly above those for maintained schools and comparable to selective schools in England. The similarly high levels of A-level achievement enable the school's students to proceed to competitive universities in the UK and elsewhere.

- ISI Inspection Report, March 2018.

Welcoming Environment

Visitors only have to spend a short period of time in the Secondary buildings before they comment on how it is a fantastic place to work and learn. The Secondary school has a real ’buzz’, providing evidence of the tireless energy of both the students and staff, and the many academic and extra-curricular activities that the students are engaged in. We believe the best way to learn about St George’s is to come and see for yourself.

We very much look forward to welcoming you!

For more information about the Secondary curriculum, take a look at the presentations from our info meetings and our curriculum guides below.