- Secondary News
Year 11 PDV classes recently dedicated four weeks to exploring the issue of poverty on a global scale and specifically within Luxembourg. During January, students heard from guest speakers from Le Courage “Bistrot” Café and Luxembourg Student UN Delegates on local and global poverty issues.
Students then collected and sorted supplies to support three local charities to assist vulnerable people in Luxembourg.
The charities included Le Courage, Night Shelter for Women and Stroossen Englen.
The students made 30 food parcels for families, 70 sandwiches for Le Courage Bistrot Café and 28 bags with toiletries for the women’s night shelter.
If you are interested in working with the local community, Le Courage welcome volunteers over 18 years. Please contact cristian.lopez@caritas.lu for more information.
Click here to see a video of the project and click through the gallery below.