With excellent acoustics, lighting and sound, the auditorium is a well-utilised space for musical and theatrical productions, student assemblies and school events. The seating can accommodate a large audience or can be removed to allow for celebrations and standing-room events.
The Secondary library contains thousands fiction and non-fiction titles, as well as books and DVDs in modern European languages. The library is a quiet yet welcoming space for students to read or work during their free time. Whilst in the Library students can borrow laptops/tablets to aid with their homework or revision.
Students also have the opportunity at GCSE and A-Level to develop skills required for a career in the recording arts, with a wide array of recording equipment that includes mixing desks, microphones, audio interfaces and studio monitors and the school's own recording studio.
St George’s offers a broad and diverse instrumental programme which provides students the opportunity to learn instruments from a team of instrumental teachers who are all highly trained professional musicians. Instruments available for students to learn at St George's include drums and percussion, guitar and bass guitar, piano, voice, violin, cello, trombone, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone, flute and recorder.
The third floor of the Zinnen building is dedicated to music and the arts, with four practice rooms, a Secondary music and drama room, and an additional classroom for Primary music.
If you ask any Alumni student they will recount fond memories of their time in their Sixth Form room, this is a fun dynamic space where Sixth Form students can chat, cook, eat and play games in their free time. Students have (regulated) creative freedom of this space, several years ago our art students painted a mural on the wall, added blankets to the chairs and picked out the sofas.